
Generic Testimonials

“I use it for my regular health protocol. It is keeping me healthy.”

Alfred M.
From: Hobe Sound, FL

“My Mom is now walking around again and feeling better than she has in years. Very powerful healing medicine.”

Alice A.
From: Hudson, FL

“Amazing, I feel like a new person after only using for 30 days. This is a staple now in my health maintenance.”

Ann P.
From: Indianapolis, IN

“Phenomenal product. As a practitioner, I have several clients taking this product with excellent results. Highly recommend.”

Audrey L.
From: United Kingdom, GB

“Feeling better and continuing to heal.”

Barbara B.
From: Triangle, VA

“I absolutely recommend this products to anyone with a compromised immune system, or even if your like me and living healthy. This product has help me through the smallest illnesses. I very rarely get sick, maybe once every 3 yrs”

Brando H.
From: Mesa, CA

“I have been using Apán for quite some time now. Originally it was for some small health issues that went away rapidly. I love the stronger Super Daily even better. Wonderful results in keeping myself free from illness and staying healthy. Thank you for this wonderful product.”

Cheryl B.
From: Ava, MO

“Thank you for this product. It really has assisted my family’s health.”

Cheryl M.
From: Gonzales, LA

“Amazing products.  From nature with love.  Thank you so much.”

Christopher F.
From: Saugerties, NY

“Hands down the best supplement that I’ve ever taken. I was going through some pretty serious health issues and I started taking Apán and within days my symptoms were gone. I have been taking Apán ever since and if possible I will take it the rest of my life.”

Corey S.
From: London, KY

“It was in month two that I really started seeing the improvements to my health. Great product!”

Dan P.
From: Appleton, WI

“So far so good. I’ll know more after my next blood test.”

Daniel S.
From: Cincinnati, OH

“So far so good. I’ll know more after my next blood test.”

Daniel S.
From: Cincinnati, OH

“Apán is easy to take and has kept the entire family cold and flu free for the entire season!”

Dawn H.
From: Bourbon, IN

“I have seen huge benefits and differences when taking this.  Its amazing.”

Denise H.
From: Bristow, VA

“Great job. I can really tell the strength increase with the Super Daily. The Apán has been so beneficial to overcoming my numerous health conditions. Thank you for this.”

Dianna C.
From: Cabot, AR

“I used the original Apán formula with wonderful results on myself and my patients. It has been a month with me experiencing the Super Daily and I can clearly notice an improved difference. Wonderful product.”

Dr. Katalina D.
From: Midvale, UT

“I gave this bottle to my sister for her to test out. Her health has improved like mine did. She will now be ordering for herself.”

Frank G.
From: Edgewater, FL

“Your products have literally changed my life!!!!”

Jamie C.
From: Springfield, MO

“I like the taste of it, the cinnamon & peppermint come thru on the taste for me. I have passed things from my body since I started taking this roughly 6 wks. ago and I know it is working. I will continue to take this for several months to continue to de-toxify and cleanse my body and for healing. Thank you so much for formulating this product and having it available for people to get and stay healthy.”

Janet M.
From: Fostoria, OH

“I love this product. With all the virus issues going on it’s co comforting to know that my body is building a strong immune system. Thank you again for this miracle concentrate!”

Janice S.
From: Boutiful, AL

On 05-28-2020 after ten days on the 2oz Apán Original Formula she emailed, “Thanks for all your work and your patience with my questions.  I am slowly seeing some improvements, although I have nothing seriously wrong with me.  I assume people with real problems see improvements faster than those of us who are just dealing with middle age!  😉  Oh, by the way, my 15 year old quickly saw her persistent tonsil stone go away and the other tonsil looks healthy, too!  Thank you!”

Jeannette W.
From: Perkasie, PA

“I have seen much improvement in my families health. Thank you.”

Joann G.
From: Gaylord, MI

“This is my number one supplement for keeping myself and my family healthy. I would highly recommend it to anyone.”

Julie M.
From: Baker City, OR

“I love your Super Daily. The new 20x formula is noticeably stronger. Thank you so much for keeping my family healthy.”

Karen G.
From: Weiser, ID

“Great immune support!”

Karen L.
From: Sulchur, IN

“I purchase the Super Daily because is it a great deal on my budget for my family. (Instead of me purchasing 4 regular bottle I get this.) We go through a bottle in one month with each of us taking a little each day. The three day flu (really about a five day virus) has already went around my community. It was at my office and in the schools. None of my family, myself included, came down with it and we all were in direct contact with sick people.”

Karen L.
From: Sulchur, IN

“Love the Apán. Keeping me healthy and happy in this whole silly pandemic. Immune modulation is assuredly the key to health.”

Karen L.
From: Sulchur, IN

“I am very emotional writing this, but will attempt to be as brief and to the points as possible.  My mind realized consciously only a few days ago & I feel more than a bit ‘guilty’ for never taking the time to do so before.  Myself, my family, and many of my dearest close friends have used Apán ever since it first became available to people beyond only the Native American Tribes.

If it were not for having the privilege of personally knowing Man Found Standing, for about 20 years, through our mutual work in the realms of advanced natural alternative medicines, this knowledge would not ever have been available to us.

I remember the years of ‘waiting’, with eager but admittedly terrible impatience, as the study and experimentation continued to formulate a product perfectly balanced, quickly effective, and yet ‘simple & affordable’ for all to be easy to receive the powerful benefits – about 3 years ‘on the edge of my seat’ actually.

Since that day not one has passed that I would ever want to be without this product in my own medicine cabinet for extreme emergencies, as well as on my counter as a regular consistent supplement to keep my immune system operating as it was designed to in the first place.  (My own close ones who are experienced with it themselves feel the same way.)

For all of my whole life’s work, it is beyond question the #1 single product I can point to, for anyone, with any health challenge – whether minor or severely advanced to ‘being on the brink & suffering profoundly’ – that is the closest thing to a true ‘magic bullet’ that I have encountered in over 35 years of research & experience.

The stories I could tell are countless – it would require pages & pages, a whole book maybe.  (Now there’s a thought!)

People who had been ‘written off as no hope whatsoever’ to live.  Others who were diagnosed as being ‘crippled physically’ for the rest of their lives.  Some who were told ‘no recourse but dangerous surgeries with very high risk of complications beyond rates of anticipated success’.  Many others with chronic cases of common debilitating degenerative diseases.  The list goes on beyond count……………

However, even though I have many years of experiencing the benefits of Apán in it’s former ‘dry capsule form’ over many years, I was in no way prepared for the power of Man Found Standing’s new liquid extract form of this product.  My family & close ones are equally astounded – the potency is ‘off the charts’ beyond anything we could have imagined possible.

In only 5 days my 74 year old father is feeling better than he has in many, many years – so much so that he finally told me (last night) just how bad he actually has been feeling, honestly, for a very a long time.  (He always tries to be so brave so we won’t worry – but we all knew anyway.)

He is so excited that, even though he doesn’t have a computer, he has had me read every word on this site to him, over the phone, during the past 3 days.  (Both Dad & I have started giving it to our ‘oldest and/or health challenged pets in need’ too – my own little Tantani has stopped starving herself & been keeping a full belly for the past week – nothing else I’ve done has worked previously, she is 16 and had a degenerative genetic issue which vets were unable to help, though they tried.  To me it has not ever been a matter of ‘prolonging life’, especially when suffering, – what I devoutly feel matters, fundamentally to us all, is that of QUALITY of Life right now, this moment, today – and if life allows recovery, that I leave to God’s own eternal wisdom for each soul.)

In only 1 week’s time, since these first bottles of liquid Apán have arrived and I parceled them out at Christmas as ‘gifts’ this year (today is Dec. 31st 2016 as I write this) – my phone has been ringing with loved ones expressing their gratitude and utterly shocked enthusiasm.

Some are friends from around the country who only received their bottles in the mail a few days ago.  Some of them it was a staggering surprise because they did not even have experience with the original capsule version prior.

But I was well aware, acutely, of their own ‘serious need’ – and understood enough from prior experience that there was ‘nothing I knew of or had to give that might be more valuable to them, in truth, than asking Man Found Standing to send them a bottle of this ‘brand new liquid extract version’ of his Apán formula.

All I can say, in these early stages here so soon, is that in all my 50+ years of life so far in this body, I have never personally ‘felt SO good SO fast’ (I demand a LOT from my body constantly – am so ‘American’ in every way the truth is staggering I am even alive, much less actually ‘well & healthy’ according to medical doctors – if they only knew all I have done, do, and also don’t do that I know I should! I am not being flippant, it is simply the truth…..)    But much more importantly – I have NEVER received such overwhelming ‘gratitude’ from others for any ‘gift’ of any sort I have ever given in my whole life as has happened over these past few days.

I don’t even know ‘how to take that’ – but I sure am having a wonderful time ‘taking it myself’ and, after hearing so much from my own loved ones, I felt it high time I begin ‘giving the knowledge of it’ in whatever way I may be able to for others.  Time for me to put something in writing and put my own name on it for anyone who cares to know.

So thank you, with all my eternal heart & soul, my beloved friend, Man Found Standing, for all you have given to me with your own time, infinite patient care, and brilliant insight & expertise over the past 2 decades.

In my book, you are not only a ‘Medicine Man’ – but you are a Miracle Medicine Man with the most powerful heart of wings, empowering & strengthening others, to have and be the same.

I love you for all your unending selfless help to me – as well as those near & dear who you’ve come to know as well over the years – in making the lives of us & all our other beloveds so much better, in ways words can not ever come close to expressing fully.”


Kelly Ann C.
From: Southern Indiana

“Thank you for the Apán it has changed my life. I had numerous health conditions that are now gone or way better than before. I have not felt this good in twenty years.”


Kim M.
From: Bolivar, MO

“Awesome product.  I am grateful to have available for my clients whom have an array of different issues plus for added protection during our current events!”


Kristi A.
From: Strasburg, PA

“The new formula is great.”

Kristi A.
From: Strasburg, PA

“Great product! Please see my review for the super daily, as I purchased both. Please don’t stop producing these products, they are life savers.”

Kristy M.
From: Winston Salem, NC

“Apán has ingredients with a purpose!  The products begin to Cleanse and Feed the body and mind almost immediately, with a true emphasis on health, wellness, longevity and a deep respect for performance!  You have set the bar high from the ground up!”

Lee F.
From: West Seneca, NY

“Apán has ingredients with a purpose!  The products begin to Cleanse and Feed the body and mind almost immediately, with a true emphasis on health, wellness, longevity and a deep respect for performance!  You have set the bar high from the ground up!”

Lee F.
From: West Seneca, NY

“Wonderful product, fast shipping, highly recommend!”

Laura T.
From: Catonsville, MD

“I am now into my third bottle and have really started to notice the healing process. (It was slow at first but started to pick up.) I have been so long without any hope and have not felt this good in over ten years. Thank you so much for this wonderful product.”

Max R.
From: Atlanta, GA

“I was having an embarrassing health issue and the doctors could not help me very much. I was on your product for three days when everything got better. Amazing — I am still taking it to see what other benefits I can receive over the next few months.”

Mike M.
From: Ava, MO

“Out of Corona virus fears I found this magical product. I give it to my husband and my 3 kids, too. Although I can’t actually see it I feel that this wonderful mushroom is doing amazing things to my body by bringing it into a modulated state. I made my friend buy this in the beginning of the lockdown in NYC who works for the NYPD being outside every day, she is as healthy as she can can be. I also made another friend take it who started a job in a hospital. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and making this incredible product.”

Murielle M.
From: Brooklyn, NY

“I am still waiting on that BLAST of energy. But, fell better as of now.”

Noble Tyronne M.
From: Orlando, FL

“I could not live without it!”

PRC -Gina H
From: Baltimore, MD

“The supplement is absolutely awesome it’s hard for me to make it through the day without it!”

PRC -Gina H
From: Baltimore, MD

“I am a health professional and am quite familiar with other mushroom products. I have made comparisons and found the Apán superior. I feel great on the Apán. Thank you.”

Randy M.
From: San Antonio, AL

“Thank you for your wonderful customer service.”

Ray F.
From: Gilbert, AZ

“The response to my concern regarding a specific ingredient was very gracious, helpful and responsive. I highly recommend this company, this product and this owner.”

Raymond J.
From: Endicott, NY

“My first bottle of Apán shipped in 3 days, excellent! The smell and the taste are fantastic!  Organic & Wildcrafted means a lot to me as well as enhancing my Immune System 4000x!! Apán is a keeper in my Wellness Program for me and my clients!”

Roderick B.
From: Boulder, CO

“I can’t complain. Taste great.”

Rosa P.
From: Haiku, HI

“Thank you so much for your kind assistance with all my questions. I have seen the Apán working and my health has greatly improved. A little “spicy” on the flavor but I enjoy it.”

Rose B.
From: Nunica, MI

“I am so grateful for that formula and for my health and strength and how Apán continues to build my immunity. Thank you for such an empowering formula.”

RuLea T.
From: Fairview, UT

“It is clearing up my health issues I have been dealing with for a decade.”

Sadie S.
From: Ava, MO

“A great product by all standards! My product arrived in a beautiful package, and my vitality and confidence is at its peak.”

Seidu A.
From: Raleigh, NC

“Thank you for assisting my on my path to healing. Wonderful product to keep me healthy.”

Sharen B.
From: Cookville, TX

“I see this has been helping me. Thank you.”

Shirley C.
From: Ava, MO

“I have felt a complete change in my health since taking Apán. It is very strong and I have to dilute it in water in order to get it down. Seems to be working like it should. I am very grateful for my renewed health.”

Signe J.
From: Holladay, UT

“I noticed a great difference in my health.”

Stacy M.
From: Jacksonville, FL

“Wonderful product!”

Stephen D.
From: Ava, MO

“My husband take this every morning, and he feels great.”

Tammy C.
From: Newark, NY

“Love the taste.”

Tammy M.
From: Fulton, NY

“I have been enjoying the Apán.  Thanks for the recommendation.  It’s really been a nice catalyst for the remission of my personal health concerns that I have been working on the past few years.”

Tanner F.
From: Springfield, MO

“I wanted to let you know that the Apán formula has been a game changer for me personally.”

Thomas R.
From: Monroe, UT

“Apán is the epitome of immune system bolstering and it is absolute necessity for an individual’s systemic wholeness and metabolic homeostasis.”

Tim C.
From: Ava, MO

“Thank you so much for all the time you have spent talking with me.  I don’t know if it is the grounding, the Apán, or a combination but my daughter is smiling again for the first time in ages . . . Again thanks so much for your caring.”

V. Elledge
From: Boise, Idaho

“Its working great! Slowly returning back to my old self.”

Windy M.
From: Ava, MO

“I am feeling better!”

Dave B.
From: Amboy, WA

“Been a year on the product and still loving it.”

Linda S.
From: Plymouth, IN

“Great customer service and a excellent product. Every day I’m feelings better than the last.”

​Lorenza M.
From: Southfield, MI

“It was hard to notice improvement the first couple months, but now I have stuck with it six months. I now know my chronic health conditions have significantly improved. (You know, the sorry you have to live with this for the rest of your life conditions.) I have not felt this good for 15 years and am planning on seeing where I am with the Apán in a year. Thank you for giving me hope back.”

Murrey L.
From: Ava, MO

“I have seen many people return to health using the Apán.”

Ray F.
From: Gilbert, AZ

“Haven’t had any blood work done to determine what it’s doing, but I feel good taking it.  The science behind the product ingredients is very impressive.  I will continue to take it.  Thank you for making this available to us.”

MaryVivian M.
From: Hernandez, NM

“Have been using this product for nearly a year now and love every drop of it. Best product ever.”

Delilah T
From: Bismarck, ND

Talking about the Defense writes, “This is the best product I ever used.  God Bless.”

Paul M
From: Atlanta, GA

“I received the product (Apán Super Daily) yesterday and started this morning. I have never had such a profound internal healing experience after 35+ years of healing work.    I take a lot of other supplements (or used to) and one hour after the product was in my system, I muscle tested for less than one half of what I used to take in a day.  All of the other supplements for immunity and vitality are no longer desired by the body. I am blown away.”

Joan C.
From: Sante Fe, NM

“My personal story with this supplement speaks volumes. My daughter has a rare chromosomal disorder, which progresses similar to Down’s Syndrome but more exaggerated. She was diagnosed at 10 months of age and the geneticist basically told us there’s not much known as there are only 50 cases in medical literature but the cases that are known are severe and we could expect that she will likely need 1:1 care for the rest of her life.  Keep in mind this was at Saint Louis Children’s Hospital, rated#6 in the nation for pediatric care, so if you were going to take a doctor’s word for it this would be one you could likely trust.

I didn’t buy it. I don’t believe that children with chromosomal disorders are doomed to a life with no hopes, dreams and aspirations, so I continued my search for answers. We have had Braelyn in 6-9 therapies per week for over a year now, have insured she’s toxin free through home making all of her formula and baby foods, giving her filtered alkaline ionized water, natural medical care when needed, toxin free baby soap, lotion, sunscreen, etc. We continued the search and will continue until she reaches what we, in our hearts, know is her max potential. She’s not there yet. This spring (a couple months ago)  a friend of mine introduced me to a friend of hers who is a medicine man who has formulated an incredible line of essential oils, blends and supplements. It was suggested that we start the Apán supplement on her because of its amazing healing properties. Although I knew there was no “healing” missing chromosomes and DNA, nor removing the duplicated upside down DNA that is present on every cell of her body, I did recognize that her body may still struggle with free radicals and such that it may not heal from as easily as others due to the challenges of her blueprint of existence being altered from conception. So, we began the supplement with the hopes to slowly detox anything we’ve missed and to optimize her abilities through healing anything that needed healing through stem cell stimulation. At this point she was 18 months old and not yet crawling, still on a bottle and barely doing any baby foods because she would get choked. We were still consistently working with therapists but it seemed we were at a bit of a plateau.

Five days after starting the supplement, her speech therapist (works a lot with her feeding and oral motor control) and I were tearing off tiny pieces of bread from a grilled cheese sandwich (organic wheat bread, raw milk cheddar and homemade butter) and seeing how she handled it with her mouth movements. At the end of the session, I placed the grilled cheese on top of a plastic bag on the floor and was showing the therapist something before she went on her way. We turned around and Braelyn was army crawling to the sandwich, picked it up, sat up and began trying to feed herself. This was HUGE! She was tearing off little pieces and trying to self feed. Up to this point she hadn’t even had a pincher grasp mastered and wasn’t able to pick up things with her thumb and pointer finger. A week later, she began to crawl on all fours!! She has continued to make astounding progress and is now crawling wonderfully, pulling up to her knees, babbling all kinds of stuff, self feeding small soft pieces of stuff, drinking from a straw and primarily on thick-to-ground puree and off of bottles. I have no doubt in my mind that this Wild Apán Super Daily supplement played a huge role in her continued developmental progression and she will continue to receive it daily from here on out.”

Rachel B.
From: Branson, MO

“I love this product. It is keeping me free from this serious illness that everyone has and is going around Atlanta, GA. I feel more energy and seem to be sleeping a lot better. I was not expecting the great taste. Normally supplements like this are so awful tasting.”

Barbara M.
From: Fort Collins, CO

“Thank you so much. After the first initial detox, I recovered my energy and started to feel much better. Now after a couple of bottles I can truly say it has been years since I have felt this good.”

Emilie B.
From: Bristol, PA

“I like the taste of it, the cinnamon & peppermint come thru on the taste for me. I have passed things from my body since I started taking this roughly 6 wks. ago and I know it is working. I will continue to take this for several months to continue to de-toxify and cleanse my body and for healing. Thank you so much for formulating this product and having it available for people to get and stay healthy.”

Janet M.
From: Fostoria, OH

Speaking about the Apán Super Daily she writes, “I love this product. I have been taking this for one year. I have had breast cancer with a bilateral mastectomy as well as radiation due to a reoccurrence. I have healed very well from several reconstruction surgeries and am feeling great. Scars are almost disappeared and nerve damage that caused numbness under my arm area has been rejuvenated!! I have not had a cold or flu the entire time. I believe in this product’s ability to boost your immune system to heal yourself in a natural way. This product along with clean food and exercise has changed my life. Thank you to the Medicine Man and all who collaborated to come up with this product.”

Roseanne R.
From: Mesa, AZ

“I have been using the Apán super concentrate for 3 weeks.  I had labs this yesterday and they are better than ever.  I also dropped 9 lbs and my platelets are in normal range!!”

Amy A.
From: Littleton, NH

“My personal story with this supplement speaks volumes. My daughter has a rare chromosomal disorder, which progresses similar to Down’s Syndrome but more exaggerated. She was diagnosed at 10 months of age and the geneticist basically told us there’s not much known as there are only 50 cases in medical literature but the cases that are known are severe and we could expect that she will likely need 1:1 care for the rest of her life. Keep in mind this was at Saint Louis Children’s Hospital, rated#6 in the nation for pediatric care, so if you were going to take a doctor’s word for it this would be one you could likely trust.  I didn’t buy it. I don’t believe that children with chromosomal disorders are doomed to a life with no hopes, dreams and aspirations, so I continued my search for answers. We have had Braelyn in 6-9 therapies per week for over a year now, have insured she’s toxin free through home making all of her formula and baby foods, giving her filtered alkaline ionized water, natural medical care when needed, toxin free baby soap, lotion, sunscreen, etc. We continued the search and will continue until she reaches what we, in our hearts, know is her max potential. She’s not there yet. This spring (a couple months ago) a friend of mine introduced me to a friend of hers who is a medicine man who has formulated an incredible line of essential oils, blends and supplements. It was suggested that we start the Apán supplement on her because of its amazing healing properties. Although I knew there was no “healing” missing chromosomes and DNA, nor removing the duplicated upside down DNA that is present on every cell of her body, I did recognize that her body may still struggle with free radicals and such that it may not heal from as easily as others due to the challenges of her blueprint of existence being altered from conception. So, we began the supplement with the hopes to slowly detox anything we’ve missed and to optimize her abilities through healing anything that needed healing through stem cell stimulation. At this point she was 18 months old and not yet crawling, still on a bottle and barely doing any baby foods because she would get choked. We were still consistently working with therapists but it seemed we were at a bit of a plateau.  Five days after starting the supplement, her speech therapist (works a lot with her feeding and oral motor control) and I were tearing off tiny pieces of bread from a grilled cheese sandwich (organic wheat bread, raw milk cheddar and homemade butter) and seeing how she handled it with her mouth movements. At the end of the session, I placed the grilled cheese on top of a plastic bag on the floor and was showing the therapist something before she went on her way. We turned around and Braelyn was army crawling to the sandwich, picked it up, sat up and began trying to feed herself. This was HUGE! She was tearing off little pieces and trying to self feed. Up to this point she hadn’t even had a pincher grasp mastered and wasn’t able to pick up things with her thumb and pointer finger. A week later, she began to crawl on all fours!! She has continued to make astounding progress and is now crawling wonderfully, pulling up to her knees, babbling all kinds of stuff, self feeding small soft pieces of stuff, drinking from a straw and primarily on thick-to-ground puree and off of bottles. I have no doubt in my mind that this Wild Apán Super Daily supplement played a huge role in her continued developmental progression and she will continue to receive it daily from here on out.”

Rachel B.
From: Branson, MO

“I have been using the Super Daily and the Defense now for a month. I started the products to overcome a chronic condition (MRSA) or something similar to it, as the doctor’s were never able to tell me what it really was. But I have been very sick for the past 2-1/2 to 3 years. After starting Super Daily and Defense I didn’t notice a difference for the first two weeks, but each week after that I have felt better, stronger, and more able to take care of my severely disabled daughter. This week is my best week in regaining my health! I cannot tell you how grateful I am! There are no words to express my gratitude . . .Thank You!”

Carollynn L.
From: Prescott, AZ

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